Combines Fuel PricesIJ


Joge Who's panickingIJ If you are the everlasting optimist more power to you. Maybe you can pick up a 1000 or two more acres from the farmers that that are less efficient than you probably are and can make a half cent per bushel. Beside us farmers wouldn't be happy if we aren't carping about something would weIJ I got four more years to go and I am done with it. Coping with wars and disaster is one thing. Coping with low prices along with drought is another. Good luck to you and your banker.


Thank you! Its good to know there is at least one other guy on this board who understands the current fuel problem, no its a crisis thanks to environmental wing nuts. By the way, I more than likely have done more for wildlife in the past 30-40 years than all the environmentalists since they started tearing down our great nation.


JOGE Boy you are long winded for the frie master at Mcdonalds, dude that all sounds noble but it is crap. Been farming 25years plus full time and it is getting worse. Everybody is making money in the food chain till you get to the farmer and unless you where born with a silver spoon in your mouth things are not to good . Farming is a good way of life , but the business end of it is getting meaner than Hell and I still can't make 2+2 make 5 . If you can prosper today in farming have at it but I am losing my enthusiasm. Glade to hear you imput but you better get pack to the grill!


One more comment on this subject and I done with it. JOGE must watch the History channel a lot that I got a lesson on world events of the past 65 years or so. Or maybe he is a college prof that teaches history. Thanks all you fellow farmers that agree with me and have the same feelings that I do. I now know that I am not alone You all made my day.


I have a theory that if the loan price of wheat was $5.00 the local market would be $5.30, of course I really don't know it is alot more complicated than that. I also believe High gas and diesel fuel prices are here to stay, as well as ferlizlizer etc. I don't believe that the American farmer has failed, indeed the American farmer produces more than ever before, its a simple matter of economics. By this I mean it simply costs more than it did last year, and it is going to cost more next year. It will continue to look grim until the market price is equal to the minimum wage or whatever amount puts profit back into the equation. I find it interesting and depressing at the same time that kitty litter is worth more than wheat.(or corn) I am an optimist (although I probably don't sound like one here),and realize that alot of what happens on the farm is in the lords hands, but at the same time I have to be a realist, I make my eating money on an outside job working for the company that hauls my wheat to market. I know many farmers that have off the farm jobs or other buisiness to help these days. My off the (leased) farm income goes mostly back into it. I would like to be able to help my son buy some deaded land someday but I am starting to believe that it wouldn't pencil out. My dad was probably getting more value 30 years ago for his wheat at $2.00 or so. I know alot of farmers make more on CRP than they ever could by planting wheat, I just believe it just isn't right. I think we have the whole thing upside down. Global economics and starving people don't always make sense, I'm going to do my best with what I have and see what happens. I don't know if ethenol is going to help save the American farmer, or bio diesel, or corn burning stoves, or planting alternative crops, lets hope it helps, and may Good save the USA, lord knows we all need His help today especially all the huricane victims. Our troubles seem small as compared to those who have lost life and limb etc. Peace be with you all in this tough time. I have to go and count my blessing, and thank the good lord I am not cold or hungry tonight.


A view from down under! As American farmers, you are very lucky. I have just done the sums. In Oz, we have been and are paying the equivalent of US$4 per US gal for diesel fuel. How we would love the $2_ gal. fuel you talk about. As Australia exports 80% of it's agricultural production and with only 20 million people, we cannot afford subsidies to our farmers. We do not get Federal Crop Insurance. We do not get a CRP. We do not get a government loan rate on our crops. We do not get subsidies either direct or by the back door as do the Europeans. We take our lumps on the world market. Markets which are badly distorted by the subsidised exports of other countries. We buy our fertilizers and chemicals and machinery, most of it American, on exactly the same markets and at the same prices as American farmers And yet we are losing our farmers at the rate of 3% per year. American farmers are leaving at the rate of 5% per year. Does this say somethingIJ Cheers!


Yes, it seems we are. I was going to mention in my response above that we are competing with our brothers and sisters around the world but I was getting pretty long winded. It is not good that we are at 5% loss and you are at 3%, eventually the result will be the same all though we might get there a little bit before you. Cheers is good, rightIJ The lord bless you all down under as well.