Kooch, Abrasive, caustic, smart a-s, thinks he's better than us, yeah I've heard it. That's what my friends say about me. And that's all me. I won't argue that. But for all my faults, I won't take the last little piece of any man's pride by telling him that I feel sorry for him. I'll not give you any of that, no matter what you or anyone says about me. In the end, all a man has is his family and his honor. Nobody will care how good a farmer you were, how big your house was or the car you drove. You want to give up farming because it's not fun, or the money's not there, okay. But...if you love it and give up anyway, you're really giving up on yourself, and you won't like it. And you'll get no "support" from me if that's what you want. I was trying to remind you that you do not have the biggest problem in the history of the world. And that as a nation and as individuals we have and will overcome. I thought that it would put some of the fight back in you. You proved me right. You went from wanting to declare bankruptcy to giving it four more years. Good start. Now imagine a guy like me-it won't be hard,you know someone. How are you going to feel if you see that guy at your saleIJ So you hate what I had to say, fine that's the idea. Maybe you hate me, okay, use that. But I'd rather have your scorn than your pity. And I would never disrespect a man by helping him pity himself. I know it's tough. It's tough for all of us. And I know about sleepless nights and I know what it feels like to work all year for almost nothing. But I've seen men who lost their spirit, their will to go on, and that's worse. All they have left is an easy chair and a bitter old age. And I wouldn't wish that on you.