You must be the one at the local Deere dealer that set-up the neighbors 3 yr old STS that has been JUNK from day one. Does your Dealer follow an STS from field to field while the owners 2388 does 75% of the workIJ His STS spends more time on the truck or in the shop than in the field. AND I DID READ THE KEYWORD "WORKED"(past tense) for a Deere Dealer. So smart and so good they kept you, RIGHT! SAD when a 20 yr old Gleaner with minor modifications can beat the H out of an STS that is next to new and cost 1_3 as much new(STS) when it was sold new. I have run many brands of combines too, working with neighbors and family and Gleaner is n1 choice and Axial is n2 in over 30 yrs of farming for capacity, simplicity, maintenance ease. Interesting, 2 companies that have failed more than once and still have the top 2 combines(Gleaner Rotary and Axial Flow) in the industry. Deere bad mouthed rotaries(put green blinders and diapers on their customers) for 20 years and finally couldn't beat the rotaries and joined them. And New Holland is the only rotary design company to not go under, "Gleaner" kept Deutz going for 5 yrs, the White rotary became the Massey rotary after Massey scraped their rotary designs, and the Axial Flow is still around with many updates, more than the Gleaner. lets see in 20 years if the STS is as close to the same as the N6 and R62 are in design. Gleaner and IH had it right 20 yrs ago, where has Deere been, trying to train their employees to bad mouth the competition and not design or set-up combines correctly(like the neighbors STS)IJ