With 8106 sq.inches of separating area in the walkers, not including 1333sq. inches of concave area, not including 928sq. inches of rear beater concave area, not including 1225sq. inches of rotary separator concave area for a total of 11592 sq. inches of separating area, combined with 10264 sq. inches of cleaning area makes it very hard to imagine any loss out the back unless settings wern't proper. The amount of cleaning and separating area of the Tx is hard to match or surpass in combines of past years, present, or future. The separating area in a 9750 STS is 9703 sq. inches and cleaning area is 7053 sq. inches respectively taken from the owners manuals. My friend if you had some grain going out the back, maybe you should have second guessed the DEAlERS preset settings and re did them yourself. A gentleman by the name of "Kutcher" makes a respectable living out of redoing and renovating the insides of new as well as used John Deere and Case IH combines to make them perform better. To this date he has never been approached by any Tx owner about providing any performance enhancing addons for this model combine in 8 years, that should speak for itself!!!!!