Sometimes people can't see the forest for the trees, ya knowIJ They'll just see the color of the paint and thier eyes will glaze over -- I mean, Cat's and Deere's NEVER break down. That's why they have these huge shops that would be empty if they didn't fill them with mobile service trucks each night.
Just came back from a sale where 7800 JD sold. Higher hours, ave apperance and sold for $38,500. Everyone there was wearing green underwear and you'd think the world had ended! "Wow!" "That was CHEAP!" "Why didn't it sell for moreIJ!" I thought it was still overpriced, compared to what you can spend to get another color that will do all the same things... Sad to say, but I kind of hope things get worse or stay bad a couple more years in agriculture. There's still too many clueless boobs in farming from what I'm seeing...at least locally. End of sermon. Dairyman