We've received about 3 feet of snow so far this winter; - can't complain, this amount seems typical for this region. I can't really give you much of an insight on wheat prices around here since I don't grow any. I CAN tell you, though that soybean and corn prices are depressed. They were gaining a little back a few weeks ago, but are slipping again. That 7720 you bought sounds like a real peach of a machine!

I had an 8820 Titan II before my 9600 (before my 9610) and I still miss having that machine around. It was, to date, the most reliable Deere combine I have ever owned (or made payments on)! The year I dealt that machine, I was running alongside a new R62 and having no problem keeping up in mixed grain or corn. It would "eat" my N6 as far as capacity is concerned. The N6 was a fiasco, but I will commend my 2 local AC dealers for the high level of service I received. They REAllY did everything possible to keep me going, and this is the major reason I purchased a C62. I grow nothing but corn, mixed grain, barley and a small variety of grasses for seed. Including custom work, we typically combine 3,000 to 3,500 acres per year with 2 combines.