The STS is a poor design. I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy or even Saddam Hussein. That would be too cruel. If you want a conventional, you must consider the C62 and MF 8680 (same machine). They are less expensive than the TX from NH because TX's come from Belgium on a boat and the C62_MF 8680s are made here in the good ol' USA. The C62, I'm convinced, is the world's gift to conventional combines. Simple, quiet, and shocking capacity. It will outdo even the big TX 68 because of the 2 stage cleaning shoe and superior beater design. If looking at rotaries, again, stay away from the STS. If you must see for yourself, just invite your Gleaner, Massey, and Deere dealers to bring their rotary combines to your place for a little contest. See if the Deere dealer even shows; he probably won't but if he does, he'll get beat by both the Gleaner and the Massey, the two best rotaries on the market, bar none, enough said.