Combines What still might be the best combine


I ran STS and looked closely at CNH, still haven't seen the new Gleaner or Massey yet. But I seriously doubt, that anyone can top the lexion operator station. We and most other operators I talked to experienced little or no electrical problems, too. That is rare now these days. One guy told me he was promised a CR to demo. But due to lots of problems, mainly electrical, he didn't get it.


Man, in my opinon the Deere STS has the best Cab controls period.I demoed a cat,their good combines,but to complex and no future vs Class record on support. I don't like looking down at that armrest screen on the CAT,I like the look ahead conerpost Displays way better when I drive`and the deere hydrostick and backlight softouch control blows the CATS rocker switches out of the water!!!Man, Deere had rocker swicths on the 9600!!! I'm not downing the CAT, but It's Cab is not surperior to DEERE's like you would have some to beleive. DEERE and CASE CONTROlS ARE STIll THE STANDARD!!!!


I run a 02 9750STS. In my opinion the Cat cab is the better of the 2. I had the chance to demo a 470R for 100 hours and like the cab much better.


If you look at the Cat combine there are so many options things that John Deere and Case are tring to put on there machines. For the last two years I have driven a John Deere with electric sieves. We also have one with have one with auto -cruise this speeds up and slows down to keep the machine full. This is how John Deere is trying compinsate for not having any auto - pilot. I don't know why JD hasn't come out with auto pilot yet they have had it on cotton pickers for years. Cat may not be the perfect machine but they pushed the others to advance and your always going to want that.


I ran the 9610s for a year, then STS for a year and then lexions for a year. I respect your opinion. That's why there are many combines to choose from. But to me, that single large screen in the lexion is the best. I found the corner post on the Deere way to cluddered. And I could still see more on this one big screen, than I could on the three or four Deere all together. My head is tilted down anyway to watch the cutter bar. When I look to the right header side, I can easily glance over that screen at the same time. I never have to look up to a corner post anymore, what is in my way going down the road. CASE is totally off on their 2388. That yield monitor is above your head and way out of sight. You can tell it was an after thought. From the design the lexion screen is very flexible. It is powered by a 486 PC processor. I am sure they could create a laptop software, where a person could design his own screen layout if they wanted to. In general, the lexion electric works way better than Deere's anyway.


No, the lexion isn't nearly perfect at all. But if (this "IF" again),Claas ever learns to listen to their American customers and accepts, that's thing here are different than in Europe, they could become the market leader.


How did you like the RIJ How did it compare to your previous lexion and the STSIJ


Deere industry leaders ayeIJ I really have to question that as well as many ppl do also. Number one reason why Deere sells so much stuff is because they copy someone elses idea and then their die hard customers say, Hmmmm if deere builds it that way than it must be ok. Gleaner had electro hydraulics way before anyone else did, Cat had rubber tracks, ect ect how many more do I have to rattle off to you before you can figure it out on your own!!!


loved the Cat. Deere comes no where close to performance. Run a 30 ft head on the Cat. Speeds 10+ plus in 60+ bushel beans. Never run anything out the back. Deere only managed 6 MPH and was putting beans out the back. When or if Cat_Claas_lexion gets their act together I will own one and the deere will be gone.


Well to each his own Dakota,but I like my STS. I don't know if yall have learn how to set the STS yet but I have cut corn and soybeans in the same field with a lexion . From the post I read above, ain't no way a lexion with the same hp class as the Deere, if the Deere is sat right, going to have that much advantange over it in speed, thats a lie. Now I know cat has a bigger combine and it really isn't fair to do comparisons with the biggest CAT, but Deere will have a much bigger combine next year, so we will see then. P.S. I bet I can set up my STS faster than a lexion. The lexion is a big yellow Deere CTS. They don't have nothing that Deere or Case coundn't outdo if Deere or Case saw a REAl threat. Claas need a dealership network, or they won't last, no matter how good they are.