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  1. Urban Homestead

    Edible Landscaping Options

    Radicchio is one of my faves because it's gorgeous purple color brightens up any dish. It's a good source of vitamin K and it's easy to grow. It's delicious cooked or raw. These will come back year after year and they pop up in cool weather so it's a great fall plant. Your clients can...
  2. Urban Homestead

    Easter/spring plants bad for pets?

    I know that Easter lilies are highly toxic to cats, including the plant's pollen, but what other plants are dangerous for our pets that we tend to see around Easter/spring?
  3. Urban Homestead

    DYI Hand Sanitizer

    Paul, thanks for sharing this, it's a big help! They are plumb sold out of hand sanitizer in my area and online they're charging sky-high prices for a tiny bottle of the stuff.
  4. Urban Homestead

    How To Get Rid Of Foxtail

    Is it too widespread to remove it manually? If you can dig it up, roots and all, that would be best. Another solution is spray them with vinegar, but you'll need to avoid spraying your grass. If your lawn is healthy, the Bermuda grass should overtake the foxtail weeds.
  5. Urban Homestead

    Lg Washer Won T Drain

    Make sure there's nothing in the coin trap (if it has one). After doing that, try resetting it by turning it off, unplugging the machine and turning off the circuit breaker. Then you hold down the start button for 5 seconds to drain the power. After that, plug it back in and flip the circuit...
  6. Urban Homestead

    Homemade goat toys

    My goats love them. They also like playing keep away from one another. They're so fun to watch. I thought about teaching them to run an agility course, but haven't had the time.
  7. Urban Homestead

    The problem with teacup pigs

    They don't stay tiny like that. I wish breeders would be honest with their buyers. I'm keeping three pigs until they can go to the pig haven in three months. Two were overturned to the Humane Society who asked me to take them in and the last one was rescued from an abusive situation. They...
  8. Urban Homestead

    Is everything made to fail?

    It certainly seems that way. We've spent thousands on riding lawn mowers over the years. Our last one worked for close to 10 years. Our newest one falls apart at least once or twice each season. It's the same with our tiller.
  9. Urban Homestead

    Good to be us

    I've never been so thankful that I canned so much food as I am right now! Have you been to the store lately? Prices on just about everything are sky-high right now. I know the coronavirus is affecting our industry too, but realistically, we're more likely to be able to feed our families...
  10. Urban Homestead

    How Much Does A Combine Cost

    It depends on many acres you'd use it on as to whether it's better to buy your own or hire it out. Do you have an idea about that?
  11. Urban Homestead

    Freezer-friendly meal ideas

    We're looking at a busy couple months ahead and I'd like to make several freezer-friendly meals so that we won't be tempted to eat out during the time crunch. Earlier today I froze two pans of lasagna and a platter of burritos. What else freezes well and is simple enough to make?
  12. Urban Homestead

    Getting rid of weeds naturally

    Landscape fabric is probably the easiest method, but it can get pricey if you're covering a large area. I don't use herbicides or anything else like that. I take the newspaper route that you mentioned and I add a layer of cardboard on top. It's inexpensive and it seems to do the trick.
  13. Urban Homestead

    African Violets

    They are the easiest blooming houseplant to grow in my opinion. Their flowers come in so many different colors and they can be quite striking. One of the major things to keep in mind with African violets is that you shouldn't let water get on the leaves. If you do, they'll have unsightly...
  14. Urban Homestead

    Selling crops through a CSA network

    I have an opportunity to sell a portion of my harvest as part of a community-supported agriculture network. It sounds like a good way to bring in some extra money and a good marketing opportunity too. But part of me is hesitant because it also sounds too good to be true. I can't wrap my mind...
  15. Urban Homestead


    I read and listen to podcasts to decompress. Gardening really helps me reduce my stress better than anything else, but it's still too cold right now. I'm enjoying planning it out though.
  16. Urban Homestead

    Chicks, ducklings, and bunnies as Easter gifts

    As Easter nears, so does the age-old debate about the buying and selling of cute baby bunnies, tiny ducklings, and fuzzy chicks during this time of year. Sometimes the animals are even dyed to match the colors of Easter eggs. So where do you draw the line? I have to admit that if I sold...
  17. Urban Homestead

    USDA Plain Writing Act

    It's a sound idea, but what a shame that every other agency doesn't do the same. We could all probably benefit from it. Maybe. Well, I still have a problem with how they define certain things like cage-free eggs for example. It paints the picture of chickens with plenty of space which isn't...
  18. Urban Homestead

    Is Pokeweed Poisonous To Touch

    Haven't you guys ever heard of poke salad? You start with a young plant since it has less toxins. You want a plant that just sprouting and isn't showing its thick magenta stem or berries. You harvest the young leaves, then you boil and drain them three times in order to cook out the toxins...
  19. Urban Homestead

    Greening up the cattle operation

    Hi there! I'm glad you decided to join us. I think you should copy/paste your reply and start your own thread for your situation is different than the one being discussed. I think you'll get better answers if you do! You can title the thread, Suggestions for Longhorn Cattle, or whatever it...
  20. Urban Homestead

    Bulbs coming up

    I keep meaning to plant some crocus. Right now, a few of our daffodils have bloomed out. The tulips and hyacinths are still sleeping away.