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  1. Urban Homestead

    Fall activities for kids

    You could read a book about shapes, have them make different shapes with playdough, then have the kids hunt for items that have those same shapes. Find me something that's shaped like a circle. Find me something that's shaped like a crescent.
  2. Urban Homestead

    Tips for making popsicles

    Am I the only one who can't make a decent popsicle? I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but the syrup/flavoring tends to separate from the water, so that the center is flavored and the sides are just a block of ice. Any tips?
  3. Urban Homestead

    Fall livestock chores

    I need to get new straw for bedding, but my usual supplier already ran out. I guess I'll grab it from the feed store instead.
  4. Urban Homestead

    What are you preserving?

    What are you guys preserving at the moment? I've worked my way through most of the tomatoes and cucumbers, so I've started on my apples.
  5. Urban Homestead

    Fall activities for kids

    I got you covered. Gather your grandkids in the house and have a finding competition. You name what you want, they find it, and whoever brings it back to you first wins that round. Try not to pick a single item. Like you wouldn't ask for your glasses if you only have one pair. That will...
  6. Urban Homestead

    Deterring feather pulling

    I just learned this trick. My chickens have enough space which is really the first thing you should consider. However, if you notice excessive feather pulling and you're sure their basic needs are met, then adding some entertainment can help distract them. Place some dead leaves in their run...
  7. Urban Homestead

    Largest Distribution Challenge?

    I sell directly at the farmers market and through a CSA. Have you tried selling through either of those? I'm not sure what your local laws are, but set up a website and see if you can get your name out there. You can spin it as saving the customer money if they buy directly from you.
  8. Urban Homestead

    Ants killing bulbs, tubers

    I have a problem with tiny black ants and large red ants who are building massive homes among my flowering bulbs and vegetable tubers and slowly eating away at them. I've tried digging them up and killing them manually, but that only helped for a couple of weeks. I can't use poison. My...
  9. Urban Homestead

    How To Get Rid Of Beavers

    Did you ask them politely to move along? I kid obviously. We use beaver deceivers and it's worked well in our case. Sometimes you have to trap them though. They were so much bigger than I ever expected. From the road they look much smaller.
  10. Urban Homestead

    Teaching others to farm

    Ask her why she wants to learn about it and which aspects she's most interested in. I know when I've been asked, my initial reaction was to start talking about the soil fertility and I'd watch as the other person's eyes slowly glazed over. Now, I ask what they're most interested in learning...
  11. Urban Homestead

    Would you take pay cut?

    In another thread on this board, many folks said they worked another job in addition to farming. So my question is, would you be willing to take a pay cut if it meant you could keep your job during the coronavirus pandemic? If so, what percentage of pay would you tolerate being cut out? My...
  12. Urban Homestead

    Where do you get info about new Agriculture Technologies? (let's start a discussion)

    I used to subscribe to Modern Farmer and it was wonderful! It included features on the latest tech to help with livestock and crops and much more. Do they still put out a magazine? I need to subscribe again if they do.
  13. Urban Homestead

    Best crops to grow hydroponically

    Cucumbers? I'm not sure how it would work with a plant that vines out like cucumbers, watermelon, and squash. Are you looking to sell your surplus or are you simply growing for yourself? Plants that grow tall like tomatoes will require a large water reservoir. I've seen it done and the plants...
  14. Urban Homestead

    John Deere Tractor Will Start But Not Move

    I don't think the temperature is the issue since you were able to get it to start. Something like that happened to me and it was the transmission, unfortunately.
  15. Urban Homestead

    Do those aerating shoes...

    actually make a difference? I figured they were more of a novelty item rather than a useful tool for aerating the soil. My kids keep asking about them. Would those spiked shoes be enough to aerate a small plot or are they as useless as I suspect?
  16. Urban Homestead

    Till Or No-Till

    Oh no, no, no. That's why I'm a no-tiller, it's basically the lazy route. I'm a city homesteader, so I'm not sure how it would work for big time commercial farmers, but I plant and harvest enough crops to support my family, to donate to the local food pantry, to share with neighbors, and to...
  17. Urban Homestead

    USDA Announces Second Application Window for Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant Program Funding

    Helping rural residents gain access to health care through telemedicine is a great idea, especially right now when we're supposed to keep our distance from one another. I love that you share lots of positive news. I wish everyone did that.
  18. Urban Homestead

    Farmers Market

    The seasonal fee to sell at the farmers market nearby is coming up and I haven't decided whether it'll be worth it to pony up the money. The market is staying open to the public, but how many people will actually shop there during the coronavirus outbreak? How do you guys feel about it? Are...
  19. Urban Homestead

    Beginners Beware

    I'm an urban homesteader and I heard all about how raising quail is super easy for people in an urban environment. I guess they think it's easy because they're small birds. But in my opinion, it's easier to work with chickens, ducks, or turkeys. Quails don't require loads of space, but they...
  20. Urban Homestead

    Perennial Vegetables

    Horseradish is a perennial root vegetable that's used to make spices. It's a hardy plant that's very easy to grow. If you live in one of the warmer growing zones (9-11) then sweet potatoes are perennials. Sweet potatoes aren't hard to grow, but not all varities are perennials so check that...