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  1. Urban Homestead

    HVAC does it really save money. . .

    if you set it at one temperature and you don't change it? We're having this debate at the moment. I'd like to adjust the temperature as needed, but my husband has some sort of internal alarm that goes off when I even consider moving the dial.
  2. Urban Homestead

    Keeping tree up!

    We were just talking about that @Holli. I'm feeling pretty optimistic about the new year ahead, but it never hurts to keep cheerful decor around. You could always decorate it for Valentine's Day without much fuss.
  3. Urban Homestead

    Does homesteading = off-grid living?

    I'm an urban homesteader. I'm sure there are blogs out there for urban growers and raising chickens has definitely become an urban thing of late. I consider homesteading to mean being as self-sufficient as possible.
  4. Urban Homestead

    The Tastiest Kumquat Varieties?

    None. I'm sorry, maybe it's a required taste, but I've always found kumquats repulsive. I think it's really cool that you're supposed to eat the skin in order to enhance the flavor of the inner flesh, but it's just gross.
  5. Urban Homestead

    Your signature dish?

    My signature dessert is a triple chocolate cake that I make from scratch. It basically consists of loads and loads of different kinds of fresh chocolate. I use the word "signature" lightly since chocolate pretty much always tastes good.
  6. Urban Homestead

    Getting noticed on Etsy

    I sell homemade soaps and lotions that I make with milk from my goats. I had a stall at the farmers market until the pandemic hit. In order to adapt, I set up a store on Etsy, but I'm having a hard time drawing attention to my goods. What are some tips for standing out on Etsy?
  7. Urban Homestead

    Curbing insomnia

    Sometimes my mind continues racing at the end of the day and that wrecks my sleep. I started a routine where I write down what's bugging me, then I put it to bed, so that I can go to bed peacefully. That trick works for me.
  8. Urban Homestead

    Bamboo paper towels are trash!

    Yes, they are awful! Unfortunately, I bought a ton of them on sale, so I'll be using them for a while. It's pretty much the only paper towel I've used that's pretty much nonabsorbent.
  9. Urban Homestead

    Chamber of Commerce

    If you've joined your town's chamber of commerce have you found it beneficial to your business? My local chamber of commerce has been on a heavy recruitment spree and I seem to be on their radar.
  10. Urban Homestead

    Potluck dinners

    I've never heard of having macaroni and cheese as a main dish. It's always been a side dish around here. I like the idea of switching it up though. I would probably take mashed potatoes, but would fancy them up with by adding some red onions, cheddar cheese, and bacon chips on top.
  11. Urban Homestead

    Neighbor kid allergic to strawberries

    Does the kid have special needs? I think that's the only time that I would even consider it for a child who is old enough to know better. Really, I can't imagine making such a request of a neighbor in the first place.
  12. Urban Homestead

    Can livestock/poultry spaces be too big?

    I've always focused on making sure that my livestock and poultry had ample space both for foraging and sleeping. Is there such a thing as too much space, particularly with their housing structure?
  13. Urban Homestead

    Increasing ventilation in the coop

    If it's soaked, remove the soaked bits and add some dry on top. If it's just wet, then turn it (like compost) and allow it to dry out. The DLM can add to the humidity, but it shouldn't be enough to be a problem. Unless you see or smell mold, or see standing water or sweating walls, then you...
  14. Urban Homestead

    If someone brought you food or goodies. . .

    @Marv Buettner, that's a good idea. So many people don't bother with handwritten cards today and that's a shame. Really? To me that feels like giving something in order to get something in return. I'd hate for someone to feel pressured. What if they don't cook or can't afford to return the...
  15. Urban Homestead

    Preventing rust

    I've always sprayed everything down with WD-40 to prevent rust, but a neighbor said I should use oil instead and that WD-40 could harm my equipment. Is that true? What do you use to prevent rust from forming on your machinery, tools, and other equipment?
  16. Urban Homestead

    Different types of tomatoes

    I mostly grow heirloom tomatoes and am a big fan of the Brandywine and Arkansas Traveler varieties because they taste great and the plants can handle our Southern heat and humidity. My advice is to see what folks are planting near you. If it grows for them, it will likely grow for you too.
  17. Urban Homestead

    The trick to cultivating mushrooms?

    I keep hearing that it's easy to cultivate mushrooms, but I've yet to pull it off. What's the trick here? I know my spores came from a reputable dealer, but I ended up with very few mushrooms.
  18. Urban Homestead

    The downside to chickens?

    I'm happy with my chickens and I think the good outweighs the bad, but since you asked: They're destructive. Chickens are always scratching at the ground and picking through ground litter which means you'll have to devise a plan to keep them out of your garden until the plants are established...
  19. Urban Homestead

    Women In Agriculture

    Most family farms include women. I think fewer farms are started by women because they are less likely to have the resources to do so. What you're describing is a factory farm and I've seen plenty of homesteaders who use tiny cages and such in order to raise chickens for as much profit as...
  20. Urban Homestead

    Intensive subsistence agriculture

    I think of homesteads as a basic example of subsistence agriculture. I'm not sure that animal power matters anymore since we've learned to cope with machines and other tools. Maybe that counts as a technological adaptation. I'm not sure.