I don't own one (yet),but I did have the opportunity to spend a day demoing one last fall. We were in 185bu_acre corn and we consistantly ran 5.5mph with near zero loss. The more we experimented with the settings towards the end of the day our ground speed was increasing while keeping the loss to a minimum. I don't honestly believe there is another machine that can out run the AFX8010 in corn. For every situation some operators discuss how a 9860STS ran laps around the AFX8010 I can find just as many situations where the AFX ran laps around the STS....the bottom line is the AFX8010, the 9860STS, the CR970, and the CAT480 are all huge machines with huge power and capacity....and it's becomming more of a problem to keep these machines full than anything else. Base your decision on the dealer, demo's, and the price (and when I priced the 9860STS and the AFX8010 they are just about even when equipped the same) not the stories you hear from internet farmers.