Combines Interesting 8010 thread from another forum


Seems to be a common thread with the stripper heads. I'm gonna guess you were getting poor threshing which lead to opening the upper sieve, closing up the lower sieve, and running the tailings clear fullIJ Probably about the same in the beansIJ lot's of unthreshed podsIJ What concave are you runningIJ Chads


chads-------- ran case grates that came in machine at first, shelburn sent wider grates and blanks with the header, tried every combination, what worked best most of the time was wider grates up front and case grates middle and rear with 6 corn bars on roter. in beans ran standard grates. on my neighbors 9760sts same header and stock jd grates , did a great job. the 8010 should have a lot more cleaning capacity but we and case tried every thing we could think of , could not make it right. the salesman said he didn't blame us a bit for trading it off, he is embarassed over this machine and case factory support.


For the people that think us guys that were just bashing the 8010 and that we did not have some problems. Food for thought if they did not have problems with the majority of them they would not add another year warranty. This alone will cost them a ton of money. Just updates is over 15000.00 and I also understand that some worked really well. Case can not understand why 2 machines could go to the same farmer and 1 worked and the other did not. Supposeably the 7010 development has been stopped with the funding for that machine put towards getting 8010 right.


"For the people that think us guys that were just bashing the 8010 and that we did not have some problems." I never said that FR, and wasn't implying it. Chads


I did not say you or anyone else for that matter, just wanted to be clear on 8010.


chads----blanks are a solid grates. shelburns theary was with the stripper header so much grain would fall out of the first grates it would overload the front part of the shacker pan. their recomendation was 1 blank and 2 wider open grates.that did not work very well in our rice varities, to much went out with the roter.


Are they just smooth, or is there some threshing action thereIJ Chads