Well, at 5 mph in 200 bushel crop, with 18 rows, assuming 18 rows at 30", which is 45 feet, at 95% efficency you would be covering 26 acres per hour. That would cal. to 5200 bu. per hour, 87 bu. per minute. At an unload rate of 3 bu per second, you are unloading 180 bu per minute. In reality, you are unloading twice as fast as your filling. Having a 680 bu tank, you could unload that in 3.7 minutes. To fill 680 would take 7.8 min. So, if you unload 680 bu in 3.7 min., you would reload 322 bu in that time frame, being 3.7 X 87 bu harvested per minute. With the unloading at top full at 680 bushel, then taking off, unloading on the go, you will unload the 680 and then fill up 322 to unload, which is around 1001-2 bushel for your cart. Does that sound rightIJIJ Or am I out of the park on your questionIJIJ