Combines Math problem for group


Here is my answer to the problem. 1. I could not afford the price of the combine on $1.87 corn. 2. I could not afford the $2.00 fuel 3. My wife unloads at the dryers and this would be to much corn to handle.


It works out to almost exactly 500 bushels. Useing dimensional analysis, 18 30 inch rows comes to 45 feet, and at 5 miles per hour in 200 bushel corn, this crunches to 1.515 bushels per second coming into the grain tank. At an unloading rate of 3bps, we dump 1000 bushels of grain in 333.3 seconds, during which time we have dumped 505.02 bushels into the hopper, so therefore we need to have started with 494.98 bushels in the tank.


Nice try, ND, but understand that when you unload the final 322 bushel, you are also dumping more grain in the tank, so you don't need to start with as much as you predicted. Think of it this way: if you stop to unload, you will need a 1000 bushel hopper. If you unload on the go, that 1000 bushels will be unloaded in 1000bu_180 bu per minute, or 5.55 minutes. When you glance back in the tank, it will have 87bu per minute x 5.55 minutes, or 483 bushels sitting in it, so you can start with 517 bushels in the tank and be good to go.


Rocky got it right, but if you want to get really specific it is actually 495 bus if you carry all the decimal places.