Since your call name is Al gorithm, I thought you might be interested in the real solution to this problem. Simple algebra would represent it like this: S= C+(S_U*H) where S= size of Grain Cart in bu, C= combine tank in bu., U= unloading rate in bu_sec, and H=harvest rate in bu_sec. Solving for the combine tank variable we get, C=S-(SH_U). The exact answer to your question is a combine tank size of 494.9 bushels. However, if the hired man gets in that big Gleaner and decides to push it to 6.5 mph, then you would only need a 343 bu grain tank. If grandpa takes it for a spin and is afraid to go over 3.5 mph because he knows what a plugged combine looks like, the grain tank needs to hold 646 bu! The real problem is not with the size of the combine grain tank. It is how are you going to find enough semis to haul the stuff off. At the harvest rate you suggested, you would be filling a 1000 bu semi every 11.1 minutes which amounts to 5400 bushels_hour. I hope your elevator has a bigger leg than ours does! This is all in good fun. Happy harvesting.