Definitely an interesting thread. Have to say I think I'd probably have laughed at the parents if it had happened here - not out of malice or ill will, but at the impracticality/lunacy of the request given
wild strawberries are something I frequently have to deal with in my yard. They tend to be more than a bit of a nuisance since they aren't really usable for anything as the berries are too small - usually pea(-ish)-sized. Though they do seem to attract birds (which eat them and then spread the seeds even further).
As many different types of food-related (and other interesting) allergies as I've heard about over the years I'm really starting to wonder what sort of underlying cause(s) there are to these allergies. Allergies to strawberries, mushrooms, even light and temperature extremes - it really makes me wonder if people aren't living in too sanitary of an environment and it causes immune system to start overreacting to things (that should be) non-hazardous in everyday usage/life. Almost makes me wonder if in few hundred/thousand(?) years there will be humans who are allergic to being alive......