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  1. Gordyg

    Is it a sewer problem?

    That is sure strange. When we needed our sewer pumped, the toilets backed up. We didn't have any problem with the washing machine. You might have a problem with the leech bed.
  2. Gordyg

    Temporary hem

    I would use the hem tape. My wife did this for a couple of my sons pants. She knew he would grow into them but he kept getting tripped up by the length. It worked great!
  3. Gordyg

    Communal garden help

    We have decided to use one of our newly acquired fields as a communal garden. We want to invite some city folk in to help and take group ownership with us. How would you go about this? I think they should help right from the beginning.
  4. Gordyg

    Group farming

    This is a very interesting topic. Is this big farms or communal gardens? I love the idea of communal gardens. We have talked about starting this in one of our newly purchased fields.
  5. Gordyg

    Why aren't we all raising honey bees?

    I would agree and say that it is very hard to raise honey bees. I have some friends that are doing this. It is very interesting for sure! I've been over to watch them interact with the hives and honey.
  6. Gordyg

    Require vaccines?

    No, I will not require my workers to have the vaccine. I don't think there is enough information on it yet to make people have it. I am not 100% sure if I am getting it yet.
  7. Gordyg

    Going to start making wine!

    Does anyone here make wine? We have been in the business of selling our grapes to wineries but decided that we would give it a shot of making some. Of course this will be for personal consumption with the hopes of getting bigger. We are hoping to open a business for wine tasting and selling our...
  8. Gordyg

    Protecting the land

    I can see both sides to this situation. I have seen a few farmers rip up the land and make a mess of it. A couple have then pulled out and left a mess (I'm dealing with that at a new field we purchased). I do think that most farmers are conscience of the environment though.
  9. Gordyg

    Started new fields of grapes

    I've got some pretty exciting news. We are adding on to our "farm". We just bought some new fields (old vineyards that were left alone for too many years). They are a mess right now but we are in the planning phase. Plus we are getting our new trellis ordered and deciding which variety to plant...
  10. Gordyg

    Sledding and snowmen

    We are getting tons of snow too! It's a mess for us and our vines but it's doable. We are out there checking on things daily. We are also playing in it (shoveling and plowing).
  11. Gordyg

    Fuse Box Or Extension Cords?

    For safety reasons, I would finish the fuse box. Using an extension cord from the main house out isn't really all that safe. Besides you could blow a fuse in the house from overloading.
  12. Gordyg

    Oh no, flowers

    I would try to cover them with straw or something before the heavy snow. I would imagine they will be fine but just to be safe. Do you grow flowers to sell (your business)?
  13. Gordyg

    Any other viticulturists?

    Are there any other grape farmers here? I've worked for a vineyard since I was 12. I bought one last year! Let's just say that 2020 was a tough year, but it was a good year.