I adore our Nigerian Dwarf goats. They are easy to milk, and it has the best flavor in my opinion. They're fun goats to have around. Each one has a distinctive personality. If I had the space for it, I'd add some Alpines which are great at dealing with the heat. I don't like the way that...
How much land are you trying to cover and which pests are you trying to ward off? Is this meant to be a preventative measure, or are the bugs already present? I think you'll get better advice if we know a bit more about the situation. This is in Italy, correct?
Do you have any plans for Mother's Day this Sunday? My husband and kids usually do something for me. I kind of miss getting little drawings and stuff like I did when the kids were little. They grow up so fast! I've never been close to my own mother, so I always feel a little melancholy on...
I'm wearing mine because we have some kids who can't get vaccinated due to their age. It feels wrong to strut around without one when I expect my children to comply with the CDC's guidelines. Wearing a mask seems to help with my allergies, so at least there's that.
Have schools opened up in your area yet? They have opened up here, but we had the option to continue with remote learning and that's what we did in our family. They are going back to school in person when August comes around though. How are things working out where you are?
Oh, I believe you. It makes the most sense in my case. I doubt it's the construction, or I'd be finding tiny eggs all the time. I know it isn't a diet issue because mine are turned out to pasture and I give them chicken feed as well. Plus, none of the hens are displaying any health or...
Okay, so maybe that's it. How strange. I've encountered soft-shelled eggs, which was easily fixed by adding more calcium to their diet, but the tiny egg was a first for me. Luckily, there have been no more tiny eggs, but I'm glad to know why it happens. I looked up the cowbird's egg to...
I bet it's a raccoon because a bear would've done more physical damage. Try spraying some hot sauce around your property to ward them off. They sniff out food, so interfering with it might help.
This is just my personal opinion, but I think it's a greed issue with a touch of laziness and an unwillingness to face even the mildest inconvenience. I think the pandemic showed us that our mammoth corporations aren't going to save the day, unless they can make a big profit from it. Food...
I went to collect the eggs this morning and I found a tiny one. My Plymouth Rocks and Orpingtons are all reliable layers usually. They seem healthy and are eating the same. There's been some construction down the road that's got to be aggravating them, but they act the same as usual. I...
I get that the beef thing isn't true, but it's not that unbelievable considering how many states and cities levy sin taxes. It's not just alcohol and tobacco that will get you either. In my neck of the woods, there's a sin tax for fast food and sugary treats.
Is that an unpleasant chore? The name alone makes me cringe. I've always had sewage provided by the city, so I could be off the mark.
I need to have our HVAC system serviced, but I keep forgetting to call the guy. I'll go do that now.
What are you having for supper tonight? I was going to make meatloaf, but it's such a beautiful day here that we decided to grill out instead. I'm currently marinating the meat for our Shish Kebabs. My husband and I tend to rotate through the same few recipes, so this is one of our more...
Forum members come from all over the world and folks here are incredibly kind. I ask ridiculous questions all the time when I should probably already know the answer, yet I always get helpful advice. I hope you'll stick around and continue to post! Your presence is very welcome here.
Most pear trees and apple trees require another cultivator to set fruit because they rely on cross-pollination. If you have tons of flowers and no fruit, then that might be why. It's also possible that your trees aren't mature enough to produce fruit. That's especially true if it's a standard...
We had our oldest child vaccinated. I didn't want to get the vaccine myself originally, but because we live in a large, southern, conservative city, few people have taken the vaccine. There will be no herd immunity here, folks refuse to wear a mask and social distance, and plenty of business...
I live in a large city down south. However, the local news station still covered the story about the duck being stolen from a little girl in California. Is that the one you're talking about? I have no idea why anyone would steal a duck. KFC is pretty inexpensive so I find it hard to believe...
I inherited my grandfather's generic trailer. If it ever had a brand name, it's worn off. Just chiming to say that an open trailer is easier to load and is best for hauling debris, mowers, and things like that. If you want to go the enclosed route, that's okay too. When choosing the size...
I swear by mint, but I have no idea if science says it works. Get yourself some bats. They are the best at eating up the mosquitos and they naturally don't come out until it's pretty late, so your other livestock should already be up.